Bohemia Interactive bouncing back with ARMA Reforger

The Development company who are currently behind ARMA Reforger are making a come back which will be greatly perceived by the hardcore shooter crowd. ...

Blizzard makes Hearthstone blunder with Low Value Card Packs

It seems that Blizzard can't quite catch a break as once again it has come under fire for supporting super low value Hearthstone packs...

Jurassic World Evolution 2 | GAMEPLAY BREAKDOWN

Frontier are the kings and queens behind the incredible Jurassic World Evolution franchise.  With the great success of the previous iteration.  We are now...

MCM London Comic Con 2021 Now Live!

MCM London was sorely missed during 2020.  With such an incredible event I speak on behalf of many of us that it just seemed...

Paradox Employees have complained about mistreatment

It seems that things are not all that fun working for some gaming developers.  In the wake of the lawsuit against Blizzard, Ubisoft's concerns...

Multi-Year Contract with XBox signed by English Football Teams.

Xbox have this year signed a huge beneficial multi-year partnership with England's biggest football teams.  So be sure to see plenty of Microsoft and...

Was #ADayoffTwitch a success?

Last week various Twitch Streamers took the day off to hopefully give notice to the increasing hate speech and negativity among the Twitch viewers. ...

Ultimate Middle-Earth 4K Edition now available for Pre-Order.

OHHHHH BOY!!! This is the motherload of all things good that Middle-Earth has to offer.  A brand new exclusive and limited edition which features...

Venom Let There Be Carnage – Pushed Forward!

Fans of the darker MARVEL universe will be delighted to know that the brand new iteration of the VENOM franchise has now been moved...

Evo 2021 Gearing up for its August Content Drop – Streamed Live!

The worlds biggest Beat-Em-Up eSports event is revving its engine ready for the August content drop. It's going to be featuring multiple live streams...