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Battlefield 5 V PC Crashing Freezing Fix

How to Resolve your Battlefield V PC Crashing & Freezing Fix.

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Battlefield has been a long time popular Conquest for PC Gamers around the world. EA are stepping it up one more time with the reveal of Battlefield 5. With brand new Features, New Game Modes, Maps and Environments. This guide will help those of you though if you’re having problems with Battlefield 5 PC Crashing or freezing.

Battlefield V – 5 PC Crashing / Freezing

Eager to start enjoying Battlefield V – 5? If you’re having issues with the game crashing, stalling or freezing. We have created this comprehensive fix guide to help you out.

Note : It’s important to note that this guide has been made for Windows 10 in mind so if you’re still running previous versions of Windows you may experience some discrepancies. These fixes have also been contributed by the community with success in similar games on the PC.

It’s important that if you discover a issue or bug with Battlefield V – 5 crashing and freezing on you then you should reach out. The guys and girls over at EA would very much like the feedback!

EA Contact Information.

You can find the contact details for EA listed below. If you’re having problems contacting them simply visit the EA social hubs such as facebook and twitter.

EA have suffered some issues with the public opinion of Battlefield 5 due to the inclusion of female soldiers within this World War 2 Setting. Despite this though EA are working hard to make sure Battlefield 5 is one of the most impact full games yet. Check out their website for full updates.

Battlefield 5 Updates

Battlefield 5 – Updates, DLC, Expansions and More.

“This years biggest and most impact full large scale shooter directly from Dice & EA.

If you’re reporting a fault with Battlefield V – 5 crashing and freezing then please be sure to also provide them with the following details: Your Computer Specifications, Information regarding the Crash, Version of Windows you’re running.

These little details will help them resolve your issue faster.

Is your Gaming Rig / PC / Laptop Causing the Issue?

To begin with – Although it maybe easy to blame Battlefield V – 5. The Crashing and Freezing fault maybe with your Gaming Rig, PC or Laptop. This guide will help troubleshoot the issue and identify how you can fix it.

Type of Crashing Identified!

While you’re playing any Game on PC if you find that your Rig is consistently locking up on you then the system is crashing. There are two variations to this fault and their both pretty bad.

Battlefield V – 5 PC Freeze:

While you’re playing any PC game similar to Battlefield V – 5 you may find that your game will lock up and freeze. You wont have any ability to move the mouse or keys however the game audio may continue.

This is described as your game freezing. Usually when left to it’s own device game locks like this will repair themselves in a few short seconds.

Advice : Is your Internet Connection Dropping While Playing?

Battlefield V – 5 Crash:

If you’re Battlefield V – 5 is still frozen or the audio begins to distort. It’s likely your game has now crashed and the progress you’ve made is lost. Once this has happened it’s likely you will need to Restart your PC to recover.

What’s worse is: If this type of crash happens while Battlefield V – 5 is saving then you may corrupt or damage your save data in the process. Which makes crashing a whole lot worse and should be fixed rapidly.

Possible Fixes for Games Crashing and Freezing on PC

Battlefield V – 5 Frozen While Playing? Below are some ways in which you can identify the issue.

1: What Hardware are you running On Battlefield V – 5?

If you’re unsure of what you’re running in your Gaming Rig then there is a great Website which can declare whether or not your PC can support Battlefield V – 5 or not.

Simply visit System Requirements Lab. This website is incredible for determining what you can or cant do on your rig. It will even suggest upgrades for your PC in order to play what ever game you wish.

Fix : Check if your Gaming Rig Can Run Battlefield V – 5

If your PC matches the requirements for Battlefield V – 5 but it is still not running then you may have another fault on your hands. Simply follow the below steps of trail and error resolve the issue.

2: Download the Latest Graphic Drivers for Battlefield V – 5.

Have you got the latest Graphics Driver for your Graphics Card for Battlefield V – 5?

Whether or not your running Radeon or Nvidia it is heavily suggested that you run the latest Graphics Drivers for your Graphics Card. More often than not Windows 10 will install the latest drivers for your unit.

Fix : Download the Latest Graphic Drivers Today.

However you can force this action by visiting your graphics card provider and downloading the drivers from the support section.

Nvidia Download Drivers Website.
AMD Radeon Graphic Card Drivers Download Page.

Be sure to uninstall any previous graphics drivers before completing this step as running dual drivers may create more problems than solving.

If you’re Running the correct drivers then move on.

3: Download The Latest Battlefield V – 5 Update For PC.

It’s imperative that if you’re having any problems with Battlefield V – 5. Check to make sure that your rig is running the latest update.

For the length of Gaming History – basic Freezing and Crashing has been a bane for gamers everywhere. Often EA will release patches, updates and fixes for you to download over time.

Fix : Download The Latest Battlefield V – 5 Update Today.

Gaming platforms will usually auto-download any updates available for their games. For Example – Steam will automatically detect any updates which are required for the game and its Highly recommended for you to download the update before attempting to play.

If you’re Game has the latest update then it maybe possible that your Steam needs to update. In order to do this – simply restart STEAM and it will attempt to download the latest update available in order to run Battlefield V – 5.

Steam : Battlefield V – 5 Frozen on “Preparing To Launch”

**This Fix is only Applicable on Steam – Battlefield V – 5 may not be available via this Client yet.**

Sometimes games on Steam can get hung up during playing.

If your Battlefield V – 5 freezes and shows a preparing to launch error which simply goes no where – then luckily enough Steam have a pretty strong guide on what to do if your gaming rig hangs at this point.

Be sure to do the following : 

If none of the above guides have helped you get Battlefield V – 5 to stop Freezing or crashing while playing. Be sure to reach out to EA with the contact information above and inform them of the issue.

4: Game Files Damaged or Corrupt On Hard Drive?

Sometimes downloads or installs can go wrong. This is especially the case if your PC is shut off or disconnected while downloading or while the installation file is being complete.

To quickly try and fix the issue of Battlefield V – 5 crashing and freezing on startup then simply delete all your core Battlefield V – 5. You can do this by visiting your Control Panel on Windows 10.

Once the files have been deleted simply download the game files once again and attempt to re-install.

Fix : Is your Hard Drive Corrupt or Contains Bad Sectors?

It’s important to ensure that your Hard Drive is able to write data correctly. You can use programmes such as HD Tune to check for any bad sectors.

Corrupt or Damaged Hard Drives will continue to lose data. We highly recommend for you to ensure your Hard Drive is showing no faults.

5: Ensure you’re Running the Latest Motherboard Bios.

Sometimes inconsistencies within the Firmware of your Motherboard may conflict with the foundation of Battlefield V – 5.

It’s important that if you are having random crashes, blue screens or freezing while playing that you ensure that your motherboard is up to date.

To do this simply visit your motherboard provider and download the latest drivers available.

Fix : Install the Latest Motherboard Bios to Fix Crashing on PC.

Ensure that you make a backup of your Windows 10 while completing this task. If you’re unskilled in dealing with PC equipment you may make matters worse so be careful.

Fear not though any permanent damage is very unlikely when dealing with BIOS updates.

6: Close Unnecessary Applications While Playing Battlefield V – 5.

This is a pretty important step when it comes to debugging whether or not your game is struggling due to system responsibilities.

Disable any and all software which you’re simply not using. Yes this includes third party apps such as Spotify, web browsers, broadcasting software and much more.

These programmes will continue to be a burden for your processor and memory while you’re not using them. If you’re worried about the performance of your Gaming Rig then we do have an extensive guide on how you can max out performance.

Guide : Bolster your PC or Laptop Performance Easily.

This will not only provide a smoother gaming experience for Battlefield V – 5 but also prove for a much faster operating system.

7: Benchmark your PC Rig for Battlefield V – 5.

Like we discussed above, if your PC does not feature the components that is required for Battlefield V – 5 to run. Then you may find problems with it crashing and freezing.

Sometimes not running a powerful enough Graphics card may lead to Battlefield V – 5 stuttering or completely freezing up.

Fix : Is your PC or Laptop Compatible for Battlefield V – 5? Check Today.

Problems with your Memory modules may also present blue screens which will feature various error codes. So there’s a heap of issues that could come from running the wrong equipment.

Our Recommended Benchmark Tools : UserBenchMark Tools.

We highly recommend that you ensure you’re running the Recommended hardware settings required for Battlefield V – 5. You can sometimes download Benchmarks available for the game your playing.

Recommended Specifications for Battlefield V – 5 to Fix Freezing

Recommended Specifications for Battlefield V – 5

8: A Fresh Install May Fix Battlefield V – 5.

Something you can do while waiting for EA to give you feedback regarding the fault is to uninstall and re-install Battlefield V – 5 again. This may clear up any significant software errors or corrupt data within your hard drive.

It’s also important to ensure that if you have recently changed processor or motherboard . That you complete a fresh install of Windows 10.

Advice : Check Your Hard Drive Health Today.

As new motherboard firmware may present various bugs and issues with older installations of Windows 10 while trying to Play Battlefield V – 5.

User Submitted Fixes for Battlefield V – 5


We will continue to update this Battlefield V – 5 Troubleshooting fix guide overtime with any new issues, errors or fixes that we come across.

If you find that your fix is not listed within this guide then be sure to reach out to EA for any and all issues. Once again they will appreciate the feedback and it will help them provide a fix patch for the issue.

If you have come across any fixes for Battlefield V – 5 crashing or Freezing on PC then we’d like to hear and we will update this Guide Further.

Other PC Related Hardware Guides: 

Check the Health of your Hard Drives Today!
Bolster your Frame Rate and Performance with Windows 10.
Downloading and Installing the Latest Motherboard Bios Update.
Downloading the Latest Updates for Games for PC.
How To Install The Latest Graphic Drivers.
Is your Gaming PC or Laptop Compatible For Games 2018?

Universal Guides:

Repair or Replace your Computer Components Today!
Protect your Game Saves from Damage and Corruption.
Repairing Your Scratched Games and Faulty Discs.

Online & Connection Guides: 

How to Test and Bolster your Internet Connection.
Best Internet Providers for Gaming and Streaming 2018.