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Factory Reset Nintendo Switch

GUIDE : Games Saves & Re-Setting Your Switch.

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This guide features all the ways in which you’re able to delete any corrupted or damaged save files that might be effecting your Nintendo Switch. Not Only that we’re going to be discussing the importance of ensuring that your Switch Storage is not maxed out. Also ways in how you can Factory Reset Nintendo Switch.

All of the above are particularly useful if you have a particular game which is crashing or freezing on you. But more so applicable if your games are straight up not loading or downloading onto your Nintendo Portable Console.

How To UnInstall Games on Switch.

Due to poor console care you may have accidentally damaged or corrupted a particular install file on your Nintendo Switch. This can happen easier than you think. However before we have listed ways in which you can start fresh with your Nintendo Switch Software.

If your games are not allowing you to load them or download onto the Nintendo Switch then we may have to remove the files completely and start fresh.

To Uninstall Games on your Nintendo Switch Simply complete the following:

Nintendo Switch Delete Game Tutorial.

Once you have removed the Nintendo Switch Games you will now be able to replace the game cartridge and retry the installation. If you have download the game digital simply attempt to download again to complete installation.

All digital downloads made in your Nintendo Store are permanent. So if you do ever remove it or your Switch becomes faulty you will have access to your content again.

Deleting Game Saves on Nintendo Switch.

If the games are running fine however one particular Game Save is crashing or freezing over and over in one specific spot. This may indicate that your Game Save is damaged or Corrupt.

Ensure that you’re running the latest update to help avoid this issue. However if you are on the latest update and your Game save is still crashing on you then our next step is to simply remove it from the Nintendo Switch.

Sadly there is no way of simply recovering the data which is stored on the game save. However you will be able to load a previous game save if possible. Once you have deleted the problem file you will also be able to start a new game.

Here’s how you can safely delete your game saves without endangering your game files.

How to Remove Game Saves on your Nintendo Switch.

Once the save game has been deleted simply re-boot the game and proceed from an earlier game save. If this is not possible sadly you will have to start again.

Factory Reset Nintendo Switch

How To Factory Reset Your Switch.

If you have tried both of the above steps but you’re still having problems with your Games Not Loading, Not Downloading, Crashing and Freezing on you. Then it maybe time for you to Factory Reset your Switch.

Factory Resets are also great if you want to purge your console of any and all personal details if you’re looking to re-sell your console.


Something to consider while you’re doing this. Although you wont be able to inflict any hardware damage. If for what ever reason you power off your Switch while it factory resets you may damage the firmware.

In the event that your console is damaged and you are not able to factory reset. Be sure to reach out to the place of purchase and you may be eligible for a repair or replacement.

Advantages of Factory Resetting Your Switch

Possibly Fix An Error On Your Hard-Drive.
Allows You To Sell Your Switch Free From Fraud.

Guide : Seek a Repair or Replacement for your Switch.

Disadvantages of Factory Resetting Your Switch

If Completed In-Correctly May Cause Permenant Damage To Your Console.
Once Files are Deleted Their Is Zero Chance Of Retrieving Them.

How To Factory Reset Switch

Firstly ensure that you’re at the Nintendo Switch Dashboard Menu.

1: Click “System Settings”
2: Scroll down through the available options and choose “Settings”
3: Here you can click ” Initialize”
4: Once this has been completed choose ” Initialize Console”

Once again during this process it’s important that you do no turn off your console or disrupt the process in any ways. You may risk damaging the firmware of the console.

After the Switch Factory Reset

Once the Nintendo Switch has completed booting up after your Factory Reset. You will have to re-completed the initial setup. This is to confirm any and all settings such as date, time, user and more.

If you have a Nintendo E-Account you will be able to promptly re-download and any all digital products that you had previous.

Factory Reset Not Fixed Game.

If you have completed the Factory Reset but you’re still having the same issue. Maybe your Games are still crashing or simply not loading. Then this indicates there maybe a fault with either the Game Catrdige it self or your Nintendo Switch Console.

Guide : How to get a repair or Replacement for your Console.

It’s important at this time to seek advice regarding the current warranty that you have with your Nintendo Switch from the retailer.

Contact Nintendo Support.

Nintendo have an incredibly strong Customer Service Team. They will be able to answer and resolve any issues that you may pass their way.

Be sure to give them time to reply.


The Switch is a great Console. Not only is it durable but it’s also incredibly fun on the go.. It suffers very few hardware faults and even when it does the warranty provided by the retailers will cater for that.

Sadly Data corruption and damaged patch files are common place and can happen to any user. Of course there are ways in which you can avoid this.

Switch Guides:

How To Download the Latest Switch Game & Console Updates.
A Complete Nintendo Switch Connection Guide.
How To Repair or Replace Damaged Game Cartridges.
Avoid Overheating your Nintendo Switch – Cleaning Guide.

Universal Guides:

Fix Your Games & Repair Scratched Discs.
The Easiest ways to Fix Laser Burn Revealed.
Protect Your Data from being Corrupted.
What Does your Warranty on Games & Consoles Cover.

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