It’s great that you can now Play the incredible FIFA Franchise on your Nintendo Switch. In the comfort of your own home or away with your friends. However if your Console is letting you down and you have had problems with FIFA 19 Crashing on Switch – Here’s what you can do.
Switch FIFA 19 Crashing and Freezing Fix Guide
With the Nintendo Switch storming gamers across the world. We cant get enough of it so we’ve created this troubleshooting guide. Which focuses on helping gamers solve freezing and crashes with some easy fixes.
It will also help give EA Sports a deeper insight to any issues that players are experiencing.
Before you begin please understand this guide has been sculpted by our experience with other games on the Switch Platform and may not relate to FIFA 19. However most common issues on consoles can be fixed in similar ways.
If the answer your looking for isn’t here then be sure to contact both EA Sports and the Nintendo Support Team.
EA Sports Contact Information.
Gaming Companies and Gaming Devs commit a lot of resources, hard work and time into each creation they make for the Nintendo Switch. FIFA 19 is no different and EA Sports would appreciate every ounce of feedback to improve FIFA 19.
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FIFA 19 – News, DLC, Updates and More…“EA are pulling out all the stops with the recent release of FIFA 2019” |
So if you have experienced FIFA 19 crashing or freezing on your Nintendo Switch. EA Sports should be the first people to know! Be sure to stay up to date on their social hubs for any news and updates regarding FIFA 19.
The development team want their game to grow and grow so help them do this by providing the much needed feedback.
It’s important to note a few things here:
Before you try and fix your issue there are some things to understand.
To begin with – Although it maybe easy to blame FIFA 19. The Crashing and Freezing fault maybe with your Nintendo Switch.
Despite this if you feel that your Nintendo Switch is crashing more often due to FIFA 19. Below we have listed some easy fixes to your problem to try before reaching out.
We hope it helps!
Crashing & Freezing Explained.
If you have picked up FIFA 19 on Nintendo Switch but while playing you’ve experienced that it’s crashing or freezing on you. Trust us we believe you when you say it’s frustrating.
However there are some key differences between the two errors.
FIFA 19 Freeze on Switch:
Sometimes the Nintendo Switch may struggle with a lot of content on the screen at any one time. However usually is able to cope and power through with some frame drops. If your unlucky though during loading streams or heavy content your FIFA 19 may freeze.
Despite your console Freezing sometimes your game can repair itself over time if left to it. So be sure to give it time to ease up.
FIFA 19 Crash on Switch:
If FIFA 19 is still frozen it may proceed to completely crash on you. This will result in the screen going black. Sometimes with audio still playing and will not be responsive until you reboot your Nintendo Switch.
For the Majority of the time after a quick reboot you may not experience any more crashing
Both of the above are common faults and may not suggest any serious hardware issue but if FIFA 19 is crashing or freezing on you constantly like this then simply try the fixes below.
FIFA 19 Crashing and Freezing Fix Guide for Switch
1: Is your Game Cartridge Damaged?
In our experience it’s real unlikely that a Damaged Nintendo Switch Cartridge will enable FIFA 19 to freeze or crash on you. This is due to once the software being installed to the Switch. The console then runs the majority of the processes off the install file.
Although if you believe your Cartridge is the cause of the fault here’s how you can check.
First thing’s first – be sure to check out your FIFA 19 Cartridge and ensure that there’s no visible signs of accidental damage or cosmetic issues. Although the Switch games are pretty robust they can be damaged with enough brute force.
FIX: Is your FIFA 19 Cartridge Faulty? Here’s how To Check.
More often than not any surface scratches or dents will not really be a cause for concern however on the rear of the cartridge you will find five strips of gold contacts. Ensure no burns, dents, cuts exist within these areas.
Damaged FIFA 19 Cartridge?
If you have recently purchased FIFA 19 and you’ve realised it is damaged or faulty. Then it’s highly recommended you should return the game from the provider you purchased it from.
In most cases if you have purchased this item from a second hand source. It may be a case that the original user wanted to get rid of the damaged cartridge.
Fix : Seek a Repair or Replacement For FIFA 19 Cartridge.
There’s not an awful lot you can do except for seek a refund or replacement. Hopefully if you’ve purchased it from a legitimate source such as a store. Usually the store will issue a store warranty in which you can either get a replacement the same day or refund.
If your FIFA 19 cartridge is looking pretty smooth move on.
2: Download the Latest Update for your Switch.
Sometimes developers will patch common game bugs after release date. In this case it’s important that if you’re playing off line that you hook your Nintendo Switch up to the internet.
FIX: Download the Latest FIFA 19 Update Today.
Check for any software updates if you’re still experiencing your game crashing and freezing. If you’re game is running on the latest update then be sure to check that your Switch is actually on the latest console update as well.
The latest stable update is currently 5.0.0.
Guide : Updating your Switch Console to Fix FIFA 19 Freezing
If you’re unsure of what console update you’re currently on you can check it out by visiting your settings. On your Nintendo Switch to make sure they align. An easier route is to simply attempt a software update once you’re on line.
How To Downloading a Console Update
Main Menu > Settings > System > System Update
If FIFA 19 is currently running on the latest update and your Nintendo Switch is also up to date. Then it may be possible that your Nintendo Switch is Freezing and crashing due to a Hardware Fault.
3: Nintendo Switch Overheating?
Not always but sometimes a significant freeze or crash on FIFA 19 maybe a warning sign that your Nintendo Switch is overheating.
It’s important to check this by undocking your Switch from the Switch Dock. Then check the condition of your console. It’s important to keep all the vents and grills clear of any and all dust or hair that may be clogging it up.
Guide : Overheating Switch Cleaning Guide
Usually the Switch can run for an excessive amount of time before needing to cool down and very few users have reported faults with the Nintendo Switch overheating.
Cleaning Your Switch Console To Fix Issues.
The reason why this happens is due to Hardware which is running at higher temperatures than suggested. This will deliver a multitude of issues including: frame drops, graphic glitches, crashing, freezing and much more.
If you believe that you’re Nintendo Switch maybe overheating. Then we’ve created a pretty intensive guide in how to fix your console using the right equipment.
This may fix the current issue you’re having. It is best practice to keep your consoles generally clean and tidy over time to ensure length of life.
Other Switch Hardware Faults that can Cause Freezing.
Ever had your FIFA 19 close on you while playing?
If you ever Experience this fault then at some point the contacts on the Cartridge have lost contact with the Pins within your Nintendo Switch. This may present yourself with two separate hardware issues.
“FIFA 19 Freezing then Crashing While I Play”
Firstly The Spring-load within the Nintendo Switch may be damaged. Once you place your FIFA 19 Cartridge in the Switch. The game it self should click and be firmly placed within the console.
Guide : Getting a Refund or Repair for a Faulty Nintendo Switch.
You should then ensure that the Game cover is then closed to allow further security. If your having no problems with the Game Loader then it may suggest that your Pins are damaged within your console.
**DAMAGED Nintendo Switch Pins**
As you can see from the picture your Nintendo Switch should feature 10 clearly visible gold pins which are perfectly aligned. With more pins featured behind those.
When inspecting your device if you find that some of your pins are broken, damaged or bent. This may suggest that your Pins are causing FIFA 19 to freeze while playing.
Do not try to fix yourself or simply bend the pins back into place. It’s important at this time that you should resort to your current Warranty on your Nintendo Switch.
Possibly reach out to Nintendo.Support to help you with the situation.
In most cases if your Nintendo Switch or any console has bent pins or connectors then a Repair is most likely needed.
If the Pins are showing no visible damage then it maybe a case that there are dust particles which are creating a problem for your Switch. If this is a case we’ve created a comprehensive guide on how to clean your Nintendo Switch to fix the issue.
Game Save Corrupt and Damaged?
If you’re worried about your FIFA 19 save being corrupt then there are some tell tale signs of this error.
You will find that your game or your system will crash and freeze at a specific point in the game. Maybe it’s before a cut scene – a crucial bot fight – or a particular loading screen.
Fix : Delete your Game Saves and Start Fresh to maybe Fix FIFA 19.
If it’s happening at the same exact point each time it may indicate that your save file is corrupt.
Guide : How To Avoid Damage and Protect your FIFA 19 Save Data
To Fix your game crashing and freezing on your save file. Simply revisit an earlier save file.
Still no luck on Fixing FIFA 19 and its freezing?
Our only advice now would be to reach out to Nintendo.Support and express your situation.
If the fault is not a software fault, a console error or a console issue then this highly suggests your FIFA 19 cartridge maybe faulty.
In this case the best option would be to return the item to your provider and seek a replacement or refund for FIFA 19.
You can also reach out to other communities if other players are experiencing the same issue. Then it may be a case that the EA Sports are aware of the fault and are working on a fix!
Check their on line social media for updates on this.
User Submitted Fixes for FIFA 19 Crashing/Freezing.
If you have come across any issues or faults with FIFA 19 crashing or freezing then it’s imperative that you reach out to EA Sports. They will be able to use the much needed feedback to improve experience for everyone.
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FIFA 19 – News, DLC, Updates and More…“EA are pulling out all the stops with the recent release of FIFA 2019” |
We will continue to update this guide with more user submitted guides.
We have yet to experience any issues or fault with FIFA 19 Crashing or Freezing. However we may just be the lucky ones. Once again be sure to reach out to EA Sports for any faults or bugs you may find.
If this troubleshooting guide has not solved your problem. Be sure to try the following Guides.
Switch Guides
How To Download the Latest Switch Game & Console Updates.
How To Repair or Replace Damaged Game Cartridges.
Factory Resetting your Nintendo Switch.
Avoid Overheating your Nintendo Switch – Cleaning Guide.
Universal Guides:
Repair or Replace your Computer Components Today!
Protect your Game Saves from Damage and Corruption.
Repairing Your Scratched Games and Faulty Discs.
Online & Connection Guides:
How to Test and Bolster your Internet Connection.
Best Internet Providers for Gaming and Streaming 2018.