Chasm is the Latest Hack & Slash Side Scroller Developed by Bit Kid, Inc available on PlayStation 4 and Steam. If you’ve suffered any issues with Chasm Crashing or Freezing on you then it’s highly unlikely to be the fault of the game. This troubleshooting guide will help determine the fault and how to fix the issue.
PS4 Chasm Crashing Freezing Fix Guide
This troubleshooting guide has been created in an attempt to help Bit Kid, Inc and players of Chasm to solve common issues that they might experience with their PlayStation 4.
As of now we’re yet to experience any Issues with Chasm. However if you have then please be sure to reach out to us and Bit Kid, Inc. We will be able to list the issues and hopefully provide a fix for your issue.
The faster Bit Kid, Inc know about the potential problem the faster they will be able to source a solution for you.
Bit Kid, Inc Contact Information.
Founded back in August 2011. They have previously worked on games like “Take Arms” available on XBox Live Gold. They are now churning out Chasm and we’re excited for what they have in the future.
If you’re having issues with Chasm Crashing or Freezing on you then be sure to reach out to Bit Kid, Inc. This will allow them to help you resolve the issue and it may be a fault in which they are unaware of.
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Chasm | News, Trailers, DLC and More…“Chasm Features gorgeous deisgn elements, super fun game play and a unique setting” |
Ultimately knowledge is power so the faster they know regarding the fault the better.
You are also able to reach out to Bit Kid, Inc regarding any Chasm news or updates on their social hubs. So be sure to follow them on Facebook and twitter.
If you believe you may have a fault with your console then you can also reach out to Sony Regarding the issue.
Your Console Or The Game?
Firstly it may not be the fault of Chasm and more so a fault with your Playstation 4, Slim or Pro.
Secondly it’s been a passive issue of console gaming for the longest of time that in-frequent crashes happen. It’s the bane of gamers all around the world but sadly – it is the nature of the beast.
However if you believe that Chasm is crashing more and more often and it’s destroying your ability to enjoy the game. We’ve bundled some common issues with the Playstation 4 Console together – aided with some easy fixes to help you fix your freeze or crashing issue.
Chasm : Crashing and Freezing – explained.
It’s the real killjoy to any gaming experience when you’re enjoying Chasm but your Console begins to seize up, run slow or simply freeze up.
This freeze is then usually followed by a Black screen. However there are two distinct differences between a game Freezing or Crashing on you.
Chasm Freeze On PS4:
Usually the game will be running full flow and as you progress through loading screens or mid-game the screen will hang. Alternatively all motion on the screen will stall. During this time audio can be heared to continue or completely lock up.
A freeze is distinguished by its ability to repair it self however if it’s serious it will then continue to crash.
Chasm PS4 Crash :
A Crash is easily described when you lose all control over your gaming experience. The screen will freeze and present you with a variety of graphical glitches or errors. At times this may prompt the game to hard-reset it self however more often than not.
A complete Playstation 4 restart or re-boot is necessary to fix the problem.
Both of the above are common faults and may not suggest any serious hardware issue but if Chasm is crashing or freezing on you. Firstly contact Bit Kid, Inc then use the troubleshooting guide below.
Common Crashing and Freezing Fixes – PS4
1: Downloading the Latest PlayStation 4 Console Update
There are a few things that you can check to ensure that your PlayStation 4 is up to speed in order to play Chasm. Firstly is your console running the latest Console Software Update? Here’s how to check :
Main Menu > Settings > System > Console Info > OS Version.
Latest Optimal Update for Chasm on PS4 is : 5.50.
Guide : Updating your Playstation 4 to the Latest Console Update To Fix Chasm.
Ensure that you’re PlayStation 4 is connected to the internet or a nearby strong Wi-Fi source then download the latest Console firmware. Sometimes games can be released and present issues or anomalies when running older system versions so it’s important you get the latest.
If for any reason your PlayStation 4 fails to update while downloading it maybe possible that either your having issues with your internet connection.
Troubleshoot : Is your PlayStation 4 Hard Drive Corrupt.
It may also be that possibly Sony servers are having problems on their end.
We advise you to wait and if you find no resolution to this issue then get in contact with the Sony Support Team.
2: Is Chasm running the latest update?
It is not uncommon for some games to be released with some Game Breaking bugs which may cause your freezing issue. One way to eliminate this issue if its a software problem is to ensure that you have downloaded the Latest Chasm update.
In order to do this boot up Chasm while being connected to the internet and you will be prompted to download the latest updates.
Guide : Ensure Chasm is running the latest update to fix freezing.
Sometimes you can force the update within the options of the games. It’s important though you check that your internet connection is active or the prompt wont appear.
If you’re still having problems with Chasm crashing even with the latest update then it may indicate a Corrupt Update file or a Software install. So we recommend the next step is to start from scratch.
3: Try To Re-Install Chasm on PS4.
Un-Installing software from your PlayStation 4 is surprisingly easy and should not be a concern for most experienced gamers. However if you’re unsure on how to clear your hard drive of any Chasm files then simply check :
- Locate game in the Games Menu
- When the desired game is highlighted, press the Options button on the controller
- Select Delete
- Confirm to Re-install and Fix Chasm
Select the Chasm file and choose to un-install. Be warned though this will remove mostly all game files, data files, user settings, file saves and more. However it may be necessary to resolve your crashing issue.
Guide : How to Format your Playstation 4
“My Chasm is still Crashing and Freezing”
After a Fresh install of Chasm and your still encountering the problem? Then more than likely this will be a Hardware fault with either the Game disk or your PlayStation 4 itself. Here’s some key things to look out for.
4: Is your Chasm Disk Causing Crashing and Freezing?
Important to know if you have digitally downloaded or pre-loaded Chasm then skip this fix as you will not find a solution to your problem here.
There are a few warning signs that you should look out for on your Chasm disk.
PlayStation 4 Disks are covered in a scratch resistant layer which makes them pretty formidable at holding their own under daily wear and tear.
However if you push your finger lightly against the reflective side of the disc and you feel any dents, cuts, or cracks then it may be possible your Chasm disk is faulty.
GUIDE : How To Fix Scratches on Chasm Disk
If any Dents, Cracks, Cuts or significant scratches exist on your Chasm disk and you believe you have not caused them.
Then you’re more than welcome to seek a replacement from the source of purchase under your warranty. Remember though most stores or businesses wont honour your warranty if the damage is accidental or from obvious abuse.
Another type of Disk Error is what some people call “Disk Rot” Its due to chemical irritants destroying the surface of your disk and may cause your Chasm disk to become unreadable or provide you with a long list of errors including crashing while you play.
If your Disk has suffered any kind of Disk Rot then its unlikely that you will be able to fix it and should seek a replacement or refund for Chasm.
Fixing Scratches on your Chasm disk.
Luckily enough if your PlayStation 4 Disk is covered in scratches then most retailers and some online services offer a disk repair service which is tried, tested and in most scenarios beneficial.
GUIDE : How To Fix Scratches on Chasm Disk
We were sceptical at first – however having various disks which did not work cleaned we can honestly vouch for the service so be sure to try that.
One important thing to remember.
If your Disk has any evidence of cuts, dents or cracks then there is simply no point sending it for a repair as it’s unlikely anyone will be able to correct that issue.
5: PlayStation 4 Overheating?
Is your PS4 Overheating Causing Chasm to Crash and Freeze?
Often overlooked but a PS4 console running hot can and may cause your games to freeze or crash. This without proper care may result in your console becoming damaged or unusable in the future so it’s important to take action.
Your PlayStation 4 will have an array of different intakes, vents and grills which help keep the Console cool while playing games like Chasm. It’s important to ensure that these areas do not become obstructed.
More recent iterations of the PlayStation 4 Console are a lot more capable of reducing temperature. However regardless of the model which you have it is still important to clean your PlayStation 4 Consoles frequently.
GUIDE: PlayStation 4 Overheating Solution and Cleaning Guide
If you believe that your Playstation 4 overheating is causing Chasm to crash and freeze then be sure to use the comprehensive overheating cleaning guide we’ve created to fix the problem.
Once the console has cooled off – boot up Chasm again and try again.
6: Game Save Corrupt and Freezing?
It maybe possible you have damaged or Corrupted your Chasm Save file. There are some obvious signs which will help indiciate whether or not your Save file is damaged.
You will find that your game or your system will crash and freeze at a specific point in the game. Maybe it’s before a cut scene – a crucial boss fight – or a particular loading screen.
If it’s happening at the same exact point each time it may indicate that your save file is corrupt.
Guide : How To Recover and Protect your Chasm Save Data
Sadly more often than not if you’re save file is corrupt there’s no real way to repair the issue unless attempting various third party software. Although we would highly recommend not using these software as more often than not.
They are a complete money sink. The best way to protect your Chasm save file is to abide by the loading rules and do not switch the console off while playing.
To Fix your game crashing and freezing on your save file. Simply revisit an earlier save file.
7: Is a Faulty PS4 Causing your Chasm to Crash?
If you have tried all of the above solutions for your PlayStation 4 and Chasm then it maybe likely that your PS4 is faulty. Now it is time to source a repair or replacement for your PlayStation 4, Slim or Pro.
You can find details regarding this below.
Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns
The good news is the Sony team are incredibly good at offering excellent customer service.
So Contact Sony for your next step – Maybe they can benchmark your console and find the issue or simply source you a repair or replacement.
If you’re still covered under your retail warranty then you simply can return to the place of purchase and source a replacement!
User Submitted Fixes for Crashing & Freezing.
Here we will be listing any user submitted fixes for Chasm on PS4 that our readers have provided. So if you have stumbled across a fix please be sure to share it with us.
Conclusion and user submitted Fixes for Chasm
It’s imperative that if during game play you experience any kind of issues which effects your experience of Chasm then reach out to Bit Kid, Inc. They will appreciate the feedback.
Hopefully you wont endure any of these faults with Chasm but if you have used this article and found no resolution to your fault. Then we highly recommend you contact Sony PS4 Support and talk about the specific fault your having with Chasm.
PlayStation 4 Guides:
Complete PlayStation 4 Internet Setup Guide.
How to Factory Reset Your PlayStation 4.
Download the Latest PlayStation 4 Console and Game Updates.
PlayStation 4 Hard Drive Corrupt? How To Fix.
Universal Guides:
Repair or Replace your Computer Components Today!
Protect your Game Saves from Damage and Corruption.
Repairing Your Scratched Games and Faulty Discs.
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How to Test and Bolster your Internet Connection.
Best Internet Providers for Gaming and Streaming 2018.