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Ways to Improve your Black Ops 4 XBox One Ping & Lag.

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Do you think your XBox One or XBox One X is causing your significant increase in Ping or Lag Spikes with the Latest Call of Duty From Activision? This Troubleshooting guide will help you identify why your XBox One Console is lagging and how you can improve your Black Ops 4 XBox One Ping.

High Ping While Playing Black Ops 4 XB1?

Your Ping is an indicator of the connection speed between yourself and game servers. The smaller the number the better.

Running a low ping will allow you to have a much more visual experience with smooth gameplay and next to no input lag.

However if you’re suffering from high ping then you will notice the following: Large Lag Spikes, stuttering gameplay, distorted audio, dropping frames and more importantly incorrect representations of the state of play.

Guide : XBox One Complete Connection Guide.

In this troubleshooting guide we’re going to be talking ways in which you can improve your ping while playing Black Ops 4. How you can reduce the risk of disconnections or lag and more importantly how you can reach out to the Activision to inform them of the issue.

It’s important to note that this Guide is an XBox One Specific guide. However you may find that similar fixes may help other game consoles.

Activision Contact Information.

If you’re experiencing insanely high ping or lag spikes while playing Black Ops 4 then there is no harm in informing Activision.

Activision are at the helm of this Years Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Activision are the Machine behind some of the biggest and most popular games within the last 10 years. Be sure to check their full catalogue on their website. 

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Updates

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 – News, Updates and More.

“Activision are bringing out all the stops with this latest addition to the Call of Duty Franchise”

Reaching out to Black Ops 4 and Activision on their social hubs such as Facebook, twitter and more. This also gives you an opportunity to inform them of your lag issues you’re having.

The Developers may often explain that their currently dealing with some server side issues. However if this is not the case continue to read some common ways to improve your Ping.

You can also reach out to Microsoft in regards to playing Black Ops 4 on XBox One.

Fixes for Black Ops 4 Lag.

There are a variety of ways to resolve lag and high ping while playing games on your XBox One like Black Ops 4. The majority of these fixes will not require you to purchase any additional products.

If you find any fixes that have helped you or any other gamers you know. Be sure to reach out and we will add it to the user submitted fixes area.

1: Firstly Test your Black Ops 4 Connection

There are some great tools online which allow you to get a deeper insight to your bandwidth available, download speed upload speed and more.

The general consensus is the faster your download speed the better your XBox One will perform while playing Black Ops 4.

Fix : Test Your Connection Before Playing Black Ops 4

You can easily test your connection using the SpeedTest website. This will show you if there are any significant faults on your internet connection.

Be sure to complete a connection test now for your XBox One to reveal the strength of your internet connection.

2: Improve your Internet Provider For Lower Ping.

Has the speed test revealed that your ping is high, download speed and upload speed is low? Then we’ve got answers.

If you’re serious about reducing Ping and fixing any lag issues that you might have to improve your internet provider. There are various different providers all over the world that now offer fibre broadband at a great value.

Fix : Upgrade your Internet To Reduce Ping on XBox One today!

Remember the faster your provider then the less that ping and lag will effect you in the future. This applies to all games on your XBox One not just Black Ops 4.

3: Ditch Wireless For Wired Ethernet on XBox One.

Wireless and Wi-Fi Connectivity for your XBox One has it’s benefits. However if you’re serious about getting the fastest bandwidth speeds.

Fix : Wired and Wireless Fixes for XBox One.

Or you become frustrated with dealing with lag while playing games similar to Black Ops 4 then we highly recommend you grab an Ethernet cable and connect it to your nearest router.

Fix : Using a Ethernet Cable on XBox One will Improve Connection Speed

A Ethernet Cable is much more durable and is able to provide a stable internet connection which is void of any connection drops.

If you’re using a Ethernet cable with Black Ops 4 but you’re still suffering lag spikes and ping spikes then it may indicate a fault with your Hardware.

4: Ensure you close all Apps While playing Black Ops 4 on XBox One.

The XBox One operating system is incredible strong. Being able to micro manage multiple applications while delivering Black Ops 4. However additional applications and tabs will also slow down your performance.

Applications like Mixer, Youtube Spotify and more will have it’s toll on your internet connection.

Be sure to Quit out of all unnecessary Apps while you’re playing Black Ops 4.

5 : Avoid Peak Times When Playing.

If you’re located within heavy residential areas or you share your Bandwidth with multiple users. You may be sharing your Internet connection with other Data hogs.

Other users on your connection will restrict your available bandwidth and thus will increase ping. Also during busy periods of game servers you may naturally find an increase in server lag.

If you want a much more refined experience when playing games be sure to avoid peak times.

6: Is your XBox One Faulty?

If the above fixes have not helped identify the problem then the issue maybe with your XBox One. Sometimes consoles running hot can effect gameplay online.

However if your XBox One is constantly lagging while playing Black Ops 4 then simply try the same connection but on a different XBox One Console.

Fix : Replace Your XBox One Console With Your Warranty.

If your Console is the culprit then the good news is you can easily source a repair or replacement with your warranty.

User Submitted Lag Fixes

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Call of Duty Black Ops 4 – News, Updates and More.

“Activision are bringing out all the stops with this latest addition to the Call of Duty Franchise”


Dealing with high ping playing games like Black Ops 4 on XBox One is incredibly frustrating. Excessive lag spikes, disconnections and stuttering can really break the immersion of the game.

This is why it’s important to seek advice from the Activision or reach out to Microsoft Support.

We will continue to update this guide with tips and tricks which may help solve the situation.

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