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Best Internet Provider for Gaming 2018

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Maybe it’s getting the edge on your competitors while gaming. Or maybe it’s providing the best possible content for your viewers. Establishing a strong foundation for your community. Whatever the Reason. It’s important to find the Best Internet Provider For Gaming.

In this article we’re going to be talking what you will need a good internet provider for. The differences between playing games and uploading games.  We will also be touching on costs per provider and which provider maybe the more suitable for your needs.

What do you need From your Internet Provider?

Before we discuss options it’s important that you know what you want from your Internet Provider. It’s best in this day and age to research the product before buying. A contract for data services is no different.

So the first thing you need to ask yourself is what do you need the internet for? 

If you’re casual about this and you’re only really interested in browsing the web, using Facebook, watching videos on YouTube and other entertainment websites. Then download speed may not be a major factor here.

If you’re interested in streaming HD Content, downloading movies and large files, sharing your internet across a wealth of users and taking advantage of wireless throughout the household.

You may have a higher priority to what download speed you may be able to receive.

Guide : Test Your Download and Upload Speed Today! 

If you’re interest is hardcore gaming, streaming consistently from entertainment websites and running multiple internet intensive services at a time. Your Download speed maybe the key area in which you want to invest.

Finally if you’re looking to work from the house and will be uploading large amounts of data. Maybe you’re interested in streaming or making a career out of becoming an online personality with YouTube and twitch.

Then ideally a high download and incredibly high upload speed is what you need.

It’s best for you to take some time and truly ask yourself what you will need from your provider before reaching out.

What’s Your Budget?

Something else which needs to be discussed is your possible budget in this venture. Some companies may offer broadband packages to users for as little as £5 a month.

However in this day and age you get what you pay for. So don’t always expect incredible results when attempting to save on a strong internet package.

The good news is prices for fibre-optic packages has dramatically decreased due to demand. So regardless of what internet package you will be investing in. We don’t think you will be spending anymore than £30-35 a month tops on a stable and strong package.

That being said be sure to identify the package which is closest to your needs. Not the needs of your wallet. Gotta spend money to make money right?

Check Your Area.

Not all Internet Providers within the UK are available in all areas. You see some Internet providers will share lines – others not so much.

If you’re unsure you are able to check with certain websites or the actual providers website to identify if your eligible for internet within your area.

Guide : Getting the Right Speeds for Your Contract? Test your Internet Now.

It can be most frustrating after purchasing a package only to find out that your internet is being capped or damaged by poor connection lines.

Finding the Best Internet Provider.

It’s imperative that before you get drawn into a contract with a Internet Provider that you get complete assurance that the speeds they advertise are the speeds that they deliver.

It is not uncommon for some providers to manipulate customers into believing they will receive something when they wont. It’s always important to test your own internet connection after purchase to identify what speeds your receiving.

If your speeds are not ideal or do not match what was advertised you maybe eligible for a refund.

Possible Internet Providers In United Kingdom.

There are four big players within the United Kingdom when it comes to delivering great Internet Packages. We will also be updating this guide overtime with more.

However for now we will be focusing on the Providers that we recommend.


Virgin are one of the most popular brands out there. Serving incredible products, tv packages and more for the longest of time.

Customers are drawn to Virgin due to their incredible customer services. Additionally to this Virgin have some of the cheapest Broadband packages available to gamers and users.

Virgin Broadband Package

What Virgin Offer: 

Virgin are currently Offering their “Vivid Fibre Range”

Vivid 50 Fibre Broadband : This package features a download speed of 54MBPS. Then an Average Upload speed of 3MBPS. This will roughly cost you £40 a month ultimately.

Vivid 100 Fibre Broadband : This package allows Gamers an average download speed of 108MBPS and an upload speed of 6MBPS. However the price amps up to roughly £45 a month.

Guide : Is your Connection faster than Virgin? Test Today.

Vivid 350 Fibre Broadband : This package is their ultimate. An incredible average of 362MBPS Download Speed. a Colossal 21MBPS of Upload Speed. However it will set you back roughly £55 a month.

The important thing to remember here is Virgin advertise with “An Average”. Meaning just because the packages consist of big numbers. Necessarily this may not be the speed that you receive. For more details on Virgin’s Broadband check out their packages here.

Sky Internet

Sky more so known for their incredibly entertaining TV Package. Especially when it comes to sports and movies. Sky also feature a strong list of available internet packages and we’re going to sum them up right now.

Despite not being able to provide the speeds that might be of interest to most hardcore users. Sky certainly are the cheapest.

SkyBroadBand Package

What Sky Offer : 

Sky Broadband Unlimited : This package features an average speed of 10MBPS download speed. The upload speed is not advertised. However this package is only £18 per month.

Sky Fibre Unlimited : This Boosts your internet speed to a hefty 36MBPS per second. However no details on upload speed are readily available to the customer. This package will knock you back £30 per month.

Sky Fibre Max : This package is aimed at the hardcore user. Delivering speeds of up to 58MBPS. However has a hefty price tag of £35 per month. Not great versus its competition.

EE Broadband

Formally known for their great value mobile contracts. EE also specialise in delivering robust Broadband packages for their users.

It’s important to note you can also get discounts with your broadband if you’re connected to EE on your phone.

EE Specialise in packages for the majority of house holds. However their available speeds are no where near Virgins “advertised speed”. Their customer services are where the features are at.

EE BroadBand Package

What EE Offer.

EE’s Standard BroadBand : This package gets the casual internet user an average of 4-8MBPS. No information regarding upload speed are available. However this package costs £21.50 per month.

EE’s Fibre Broadband : Reach speeds of up to 38MBPS with EE’s Fibre Broadband. Running at only £29 per month it gives the user great value.

EE’s Fibre Max Broadband : The holy grail of EE’s products. This allows hardcore users to achieve up to 76MBPS and up to 20MBPS upload speed. Costing up to £45 per month.


Virgin Best Internet Provider 2018?

Despite Virgins incredible offers. It’s important to remember that these speeds that they offer are averages. Some users have complained that their speeds are misleading.

We highly encourage our users to remain vigilant. However looking at the stats it seems that if you’re serious about download, streaming, gaming and more. Then you will achieve higher results and get better value with Virgins Vivid 350.

We will be updating this article over time with offers and more providers details. Here are some guides that you may find useful.

Universal Guides:

Fix Your Games & Repair Scratched Discs.
The Easiest ways to Fix Laser Burn Revealed.
Protect Your Data from being Corrupted.
What Does your Warranty on Games & Consoles Cover.

Ping & Connection Guides:

Test Your Internet Connection and Improve Your Speed.