Fantastic Four – To begin filming in Spring 2024

Marvel is under strain right now with their recent releases facing backlash and criticism.  However it seems momentum to move forward with Fantastic 4 is in the works for Spring…

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Obi-Wan Kenobi – A Series of Firsts.

We're just under ten days away from the next installment into the Star Wars Franchise with the brand new addition of Obi-Wan Kenobi.  An opportunity for Ewan McGregor to re-visit…

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Brand New DUNE Trailer Emerges 2021

Dune has been on the back burner for some time by Warner Bros - However this year it looks like it's finally going to see a theatrical release as well…

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Suicide Squad 2 Hits Cinemas In UK | Trailer Reveal

James Gunn's latest addition to the Superhero Franchise is now available within the Cinemas Across the UK. This movie has promised a tonne of quality supervillainy! With stars such as…

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Read more about the article Gozilla King of the Monsters Final Trailer Revealed.
Godzilla King of the Monsters Final trailer

Gozilla King of the Monsters Final Trailer Revealed.

The Sequel to the already popular 2016 Godzilla is about to launch within Cinemas World Wide. Now the studios have granted us the final trailer to be released before launch…

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Lion King 2019 – Trailer Revealed!

Everyone here at Chaos Hour cannot contain our joy and cannot wait for the next interpretation of the Lion King Series. Now completed a as a digital visual epic. Walt…

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