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Chaoshour - Recruiting Cosplay Writer Jobs

Cosplay Writer Jobs – We’re Hiring Content Creators! 2023

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During the year of 2019 we’ve decided to expand our ranks and kick things up a notch across the board and we’re looking to hire some Cosplay Writers and content creators. So if you have an interest in all things cosplay then it’s perfect for you.

What is a Cosplay Writer?

As a team we’re looking for keen individuals who have qualities of self drive, dedication and enthusiasm within Cosplay communities and similar topics. You will have access to a wealth of resources and direction in your writing path.

Things that a Cosplay Writer may be targeted to write about:

Cosplay Opinion Pieces.
Comparison Articles.
Cosplay Guides & Tips.
Discuss trending topics within the cosplay Community.

The Advantages of Being a Cosplay Writer

As it should be we will be rewarding our Cosplay Writers Jobs and Journalists with a wealth of free incentives. Will you be paid? Yes : you will be paid per targeted article. In addition to this you may be tasked with a significant project which may grant you access to higher financial gain from your articles over time.

How To Apply.

Registering your interest in the position is simple. Follow the steps below.

1: E-Mail [email protected]
2: Tell us why you’re interested in this particular job role.

During this process we may ask for writing samples.

We eagerly await to hear from you and work with you in the future! Good Luck.


Will I be Paid?

Yes certainly – this is a paid position and you will be compensated for your time when completing our objectives. This will require for you to have a running Paypal Account.

Can I Work From Home?

The candidate should have a suitable work space and yes it’s recommended that you work from your own location.

Do I have to Quit My Current Job?

Absolutely Not! As this position is a enthusiast based position we respect that you have your own life to live and hope not to take too much of your time.

What Time Zone Do you Need?

We welcome any candidates all over the world. However it is recommended that you are fluent in the English Language when writing.