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RoboCraft Infinity Fix Guide for Crashing & Freezing

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We’ve Created this insightful guide which is full of a tonne of easy resolutions for your crashing or freezing that you may experience with RoboCraft Infinity. We also discuss some key areas in which you can improve frame rate and other issues. Read below for our full RoboCraft Infinity Fix guide.

The XBox One, Xbox One S and XBox One X is currently ruling as one of the most powerful gaming consoles of our generation. Able to deliver incredibly high quality 1080p Resolution and with the XBox One X support for 4K on some of today’s top titles. Microsoft are no strangers to durable and robust systems and despite the legacy issues of the XBox 360 they have done well with the XBox One. However nothing is perfect and you may find that you will encounter some issues or bugs with RoboCraft Infinity which can be easily resolved with a few quick fixes. So if you’re having problems with RoboCraft Infinity then read through this comprehensive troubleshooting guide and you might find the answer you need. If the answer your looking for isn’t here then be sure to reach out to Microsoft Support.

1: RoboCraft Infinity is crashing and freezing? Or simply not loading?

It’s the real killjoy to any gaming experience when your conquering your favourite level or lap time and your Console begins to seize up, run slow or simply freeze up. This freeze is then usually followed by a Black screen. Sometimes audio can be heard throughout but more often than not the entire console just blacks out. This is a common fault and may not suggest any serious hardware issue but it is possible that you might be encountering this kind of fault with RoboCraft Infinity – If so here’s how you fix it.

Downloading the Latest XBox One Console Update For RoboCraft Infinity

There are a few things that you can check to ensure that your XBox One is up to speed in order to play RoboCraft Infinity. Firstly is your console running the latest Console Software Update? Here’s how to check :

Main Menu > Settings > System > Console Info > OS Version

Latest Optimal Update for RoboCraft Infinity : 10.0.16299.5101

Ensure that you’re XBox one is connected to the internet or a nearby strong Wi-Fi source then download the latest Console firmware. Sometimes games can be released and present issues or anomalies when running older system versions so it’s important you get the latest.

If for any reason your XBox one fails to update while downloading it maybe possible that either your having issues with your internet connection or possibly Microsoft servers are having problems on their end. We advise you to wait and if you find no resolution to this issue then reach out to Microsoft Support.

Is RoboCraft Infinity running the latest update?

It is not uncommon for some games to be released with some Game Breaking bugs which may cause your freezing issue. One way to eliminate this issue if its a software problem is to ensure that you have downloaded the Latest RoboCraft Infinity update.

In order to do this boot up RoboCraft Infinity while being connected to the internet and you will be prompted to download the latest updates. Sometimes you can force the update within the options of the games. It’s important though you check that your internet connection is active or the prompt wont appear.

If you’re still having problems with RoboCraft Infinity crashing even with the latest update then it may indicate a Corrupt Update file or a Software install. So we recommend the next step is to start from scratch.

How to Un-Install RoboCraft Infinity and Re-Install fresh on XBox One

Un-Installing software from your XBox one is surprisingly easy and should not be a concern for most experienced gamers. However if you’re unsure on how to clear your hard drive of any RoboCraft Infinity files then simply check :

Main Menu > System > Settings > System > Storage > Manage Storage > View Contents > Games > RoboCraft Infinity > Uninstall

Select the RoboCraft Infinity file and choose to un-install. Be warned though this will remove mostly all game files, data files, user settings, file saves and more. However it may be necessary to resolve your crashing issue.

After a Fresh install of RoboCraft Infinity and your still encountering the problem then more than likely this will be a Hardware fault with either the Game disk or your XBox One itself. Here’s some key things to look out for.

The RoboCraft Infinity Disk

Okay so there are a few warning signs that you should look out for on your RoboCraft Infinity disk. XBox One Disks are covered in a scratch resistant layer which makes them pretty formidable at holding their own under daily wear and tear. However if you push your finger lightly against the reflective side of the disc and you feel any dents, cuts, or cracks then it may be possible your RoboCraft Infinity disk is faulty.

GUIDE : Check out our complete guide on how to fix un-readable discs and laser burns.

If any Dents, Cracks, Cuts or significant scratches exist on your RoboCraft Infinity disk and you believe you have not caused it then you’re more than welcome to seek a replacement from the source of purchase under your warranty. Remember though most stores or businesses wont honour your warranty if the damage is accidental or from obvious abuse.

Another type of Disk Error is what some people call “Disk Rot” Its due to chemical irritants destroying the surface of your disk and may cause your RoboCraft Infinity disk to become unreadable or provide you with a long list of errors including crashing while you play. If your Disk has suffered any kind of Disk Rot then its unlikley that you will be able to fix it and should seek a replacement or refund for RoboCraft Infinity.

Can you fix heavy scratches on a disk?

Luckily enough if your XBox one Disk is covered in scratches then most retailers and some online services offer a disk repair service which is tried, tested and in most scenarios beneficial. We were sceptical at first – however having various disks which did not work cleaned we can honestly vouch for the service so be sure to try that. One important thing to remember. If your Disk has any evidence of cuts, dents or cracks then there is simply no point sending it for a repair as it’s unlikely anyone will be able to correct that issue.

XBox One overheating May Cause Freezing for RoboCraft Infinity.

Often overlooked but a console running hot can and may cause your games to freeze or crash on you and without proper care may result in your console becoming damaged or unusable in the future so it’s important to take action.

Your console will have various grill intakes, and fans throughout the system. Depending on the version of the XBox One you have. The later consoles are a lot more adequate at dealing with lengthy gaming sessions however none the less if you notice that your ventilation holes and grills are compact with dust or other debris then it may not be allowing warm air to escape.

GUIDE: XBox One Overheating Solution and Cleaning Guide

It’s important you get a can of compressed air and once the console is turned off be sure to blast the debris apart. This will dislodge a lot of the dust and will allow your console to expel most of the warm air once again. We recommend doing this when your console is off just in case you cause any serious damage

It’s also important to note to never have your console in an area in which there is no air ventilation. So do not place your console in enclosed areas or near any other hot running devices as it will struggle to perform and may be the cause of your RoboCraft Infinity crashing issue.

Faulty XBox One? What can you do?

If you have tried all of the above issues and you can confirm that it is not an update issue or an install error and you’ve tried re-installing the game and checking your console for any outside elements which may be effecting it then it’s sad to say but it’s likely your console is faulty.

Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns

However the good news is the Microsoft support team are incredibly good at offering excellent customer service. So by all means reach out to Microsoft Support for your next step – Maybe they can benchmark your console and find the issue or simply source you a repair or replacement. If you’re still covered under your retail warranty then you simply can return to the place of purchase and source a replacement!

2: XBox One Running at low fps ( frames ) while playing RoboCraft Infinity.

In today’s current Gaming generation – 30FPS minimum has become the norm with some games being able to output up to 60FPS and above. Having a high frame rate allows your game to seem smoother and can generally provide a much better gaming experience. However if you’re experiencing that your games are jumping, becoming jittery or simply running slow then it’s possible your frames are dropping with RoboCraft Infinity.

There are various reasons why this could happen and it’s important that you play trial and error before resolving the issue. It’s important to note though on some games they are not always 100% optimised for the Hardware which is featured within your XBox One. So if you’re having issues with RoboCraft Infinity running slow while a lot of stuff is happening on games then it may just be the nature of the beast.

What you can do is if you have not done so already then you could trade your console in and upgrade to the newly released XBox One X which has superior hardware which is able to deliver a higher framerate at a much more frequent rate. In some situations some games also run in Ultra – HD 4K which looks incredible on larger screens.

Overheating XBox One causing RoboCraft Infinity to drop frames?

We spoke briefly about this above but if your console is suffering frame drops or becoming sluggish then it maybe a case that your Console is overheating and isn’t able to push out the performance you would like.

Be sure to clear your console of all Debris in and around the vents and grills. This step should be taken every so often with your console anyway as it’s good for console care. If you find that your console is running hot then be sure to move it to a much more ventilated area to reduce risk of overheating.

GUIDE: XBox One Overheating Solution and Cleaning Guide

We highly recommend using compressed air for this task as any other cleaning agent or tool may damage your console beyond repair so be careful!

Corrupt Game-Save or Install File may cause Frame Drops

Although unlikely if you are often turning off your console while RoboCraft Infinity is loading or saving then you may cause irreparable damage to your game save or install file. One way in which you can eliminate this issue is to simply clear your Hard Drive of Local Saved Files and the RoboCraft Infinity install file.

How to Clear Local Saved Files

Main Menu > Settings > System > Storage > Manage Software > View Contents > Games > RoboCraft Infinity > Uninstall

After this you can simply re-install RoboCraft Infinity – Re-Update the game and start fresh. It may be frustrating to lose your progress but any significant data damage to your save file will present you with a multitude of bugs and errors throughout the game. More often than not though turning your console off while its saving will render most save files un-usable.

Capture Card causing Low Frames for RoboCraft Infinity which recording / streaming.

It maybe possible that the output from your Capture Card or Capture Device when recording or streaming RoboCraft Infinity maybe the reason for your frame drops. We highly recommend you use the Elgato HD60 Pro Linked with a Desktop Recording rig for all your online streaming and recording.

To quickly iron out this issue – Simply un-connect your Capture device while playing RoboCraft Infinity and plug the HDMI straight into your TV. If you find the frames have improved and you’re getting a much smoother experience then the Capture card is the cause for concern here. Streaming or recording XBox One content is hard and incredibly demanding on hardware. So it’s best that you spend the extra buck to ensure you get the best hardware for the job.

Lag maybe effecting the poor FPS of RoboCraft Infinity.

Sometimes overlooked but users will sometimes complain that their games are dropping frames but this is in fact actually Lag from a poor or unstable internet connection. Lag may cause you to freeze, jump, rewind or simply provide for a poor viewing experience. It’s important that you ensure that your internet connection is currently not being throttled and to check this you can easily check


If you have any family members or house mates which are using the internet for high speed or large downloads this may create input lag for your XBox One and general gaming experience.

3: Having problems with RoboCraft Infinity being stuck in the XBox One Drive?

It’s incredibly rare and we’ve encountered very few issues of XBox One Disk drives failing and causing for your Games to become stuck inside the console or simply not taking the disk. However sometimes when users get frustrated at this situation they may force the disk drive to eject or force the RoboCraft Infinity disk inside the XBox One causing even further damage.

After you press the “Eject” button on your XBox one you should hear a faint sound prompt and then you will hear the whirr of the drive. The Disk then should eject within a smooth motion. If you find that the Disk eject motion is becoming Jagged or being slow when ejecting it maybe possible that your Disk Drive has become faulty either due to hardware fault or wear and tear.

At this point it’s important you reach out to Microsoft Support and seek help or simply  – due to your your retail warranty return to the place of purchase and seek a repair or replacement. However remember if you find that your Disk tray is not working and you force a disk inside your XBox One then you may cause significant accidental damage which renders your warranty void so don’t try it!


If your RoboCraft Infinity disk is stuck inside your XBox One then some users may suggest to get a pair of tweezers and insert it into the console to pull the disk out. We cannot object enough to this information so just don’t do it!

Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns

Leave it to the experts within the industry and soon enough they will rescue your trapped game from your console. But trust us – having a voided warranty will make the situation no better.

4: Controller not working while playing RoboCraft Infinity?

Controller faults or issues are very rarely at the fault of the game and we’ve seen very few instances in which a controller will not react well due to software. The Majority of Controller faults are actually either due to a hardware fault or wear and tear of the user over time. Sadly like all things due to constant use your controller will wear down however there are some quick tricks that you can use to ensure that your RoboCraft Infinity issue is not due to the controller.

Sadly the XBox One has no real way of testing each input of the controller other than maybe loading up a fighting game and maybe using the training mode with the key inputs displayed on screen. However what you can do is use an incredibly strong tool named the “HTML 5 GamePad Tester” you can test an assortment of controllers on this and it will tell you if your button presses are being registered – when and how frequent and to add to that. It also tells you if your sticks are off centre.

This is a real strong tool and I suggest if your having any problems with your controller on RoboCraft Infinity then be sure to fire up the web tool. If you have concluded that there is a fault with your controller then any stuck buttons or lodged buttons may be fixed by getting a soft adhesive remover and cleaning your controller pad. Sometimes sticky substances or debris can force the buttons to not input.

Sadly if you’re having any issues with the controller sticks acting up on their own then there is no real home made fix unless you have a friend or colleague whom may know how to mod or repair controllers. The good news here is that most console warranties cover the controller as well so simply reach out to Microsoft Support or you can re-visit the place of purchase and source a repair or replacement for your controller.

It’s important that you do not attempt to open the controller and fix the item yourself as this may void your warranty and cause more harm than good.

5: XBox One Hard Drive Corrupt When Loading RoboCraft Infinity?

Data Loss are big players when it comes to the most upsetting of issues that may happen with RoboCraft Infinity and other games. There are various reasons why your Data on your hard drive may become corrupt and also various reasons why the internal hard drive may fail. However if they do fail its a real pain to resolve the situation and it’s incredibly unlikely that you will be able to save any of the data saved onto the device prior.

The good news about Hard Drive faults is that they are covered by your Console Warranty. So if you have suffered a significant Hard-Drive fault then please be sure to reach out to the Microsoft Team or source a repair or replacement under your warranty.

GUIDE: How To Format Your XBox One Hard-Drive

If your Data has Become corrupt although your console still seems to be functioning you may benefit from a complete console reset which will format your console back to day one settings.

**IMPORTANT** Once you reset the console its hugely beneficial as it will clear most issues you may have with the console however it will completely wipe your console of all games, saves, settings, downloads and more. So be sure to continue at your own risk.

GUIDE: Complete Guide on Preventing Corrupt Data and Save Files

Luckily enough the XBox One has a strong Back Up and Transfer feature which you can utilize to save any RoboCraft Infinity data that you wish too. To do this you will need to source yourself an external hard drive and then plug the device into your Console. To Back up your RoboCraft Infinity data simply use :

Main Menu > Settings > System > Back Up

Follow the onscreen prompts and you will be able to use the external hard drive as a backup drive for your console information. This is also pretty good if you’re considering using this backup drive for all future saves and game files. We highly recommend using an external hard drive for all your gaming on the XBox One.

6: RoboCraft Infinity Achievements not unlocking with XBox One.

Achievements are a virtual gaming currency featured heavily within the XBox One. For some tasks within RoboCraft Infinity you will be rewarded achievement points in which you can use to boast to your friends and family and generally show off your prowess amongst your gaming buddies.

Annoyingly though sometimes Achievments can bug out and not unlock during key pivitol moments within your games and this can be quite annoying as sometimes they can be otherwise un-achieveable breaking your track record. There are a few various reasons why achievments wont pop.

Make sure you’re Online when playing RoboCraft Infinity for achievements.

Sometimes it’s overlooked but if you’re playing an online game then be sure to ensure that you’re online as some games require this to update. Also its generally good to be online at all times as you may miss out on important patch fixes or updates which may fix the issue your having. Usually game updates download automatically which is an incredible strong feature of the XBox One.

Don’t use Cheats on RoboCraft Infinity.

Although not always Achievements can become locked and in-accessible if you use any kind of third party software or cheats while you play the game. Sometimes access to certain mods for RoboCraft Infinity and other games can also prevent you from unlocking your precious gamer score. It’s pretty good advice to not use any of these features if you’re looking to improve your score. Most games will actually tell you that cheats or Mods will actually disable achievements but not all games do.

7: Having Problems with Audio and Video not working with my TV with RoboCraft Infinity.

Most consoles of this generation feature a HDMI output which makes it surprisingly easy to error check if the audio and video faults that you’re having is actually with RoboCraft Infinity or console hardware you have.

If you’re having problems with a Blank screen or no Audio on RoboCraft Infinity with your TV then be sure to follow the following steps.

Step One :

Connect your Console to a TV which you know works or has worked previously with your console – your XBox One should automatically calibrate.

Step Two:

If You still have an issue then simply source another HDMI cable and try a different cable with your TV.

Step Three :

If this does not solve the problem then simply it’s safe to say that there maybe a fault with your XBox One. But the good news is that your console is more than likely covered under a warranty in which you can source a repair, replacement or refund from your place of purchase.

If your console works on a particular TV and not your current one then it maybe a configuration issue. Connect your XBox One to TV in which you get a display then visit :

Main Menu > Audio & Video > TV Resolution.

Ensure that the resolution is set accordingly to what is supported by your current display unit. Sometimes screens can show blank screens or provide you with audio issues if the resolution used is not supported.

GUIDE: How To Factory Reset Xbox One

If this does not fix the problem then you maybe able to Reset the Console back to factory settings to prompt start-up which may fix any problems that you may have. However like we said earlier. The majority of Audio or Visual problems are either with the cables used or with the Hardware itself and is very unlikely to be a software fault.

8: XBox One RoboCraft Infinity not connecting to servers.

Currently in today’s generation of gaming we’re heavily reliant on Internet Access. So much so that some games require internet access to play and some others only have online features – thus making it so much more frustrating when your game or RoboCraft Infinity is not connecting to the game servers or internet.

There are various reasons that you might want to look at if your having issues with disconnecting from RoboCraft Infinity so follow the following steps to easily isolate the issue.

Check your Internet Connection before Playing RoboCraft Infinity

On a nearby Desktop or Smart Device simply visit – Run the test and this website will tell you – your current internet connection, your current download speed, upload speed and any drops in your connection. If this results in no problems on your side then it may be a software fault which is restricting your access to the RoboCraft Infinity servers.

GUIDE: How To Test Your Internet Connection / Recommended Internet Providers For Gaming

Check your Internet Connection and NAT type on the XBox One.

Visit : Main Menu > Settings > Network > Network Test Connection

This Test connection will tell you any key issues that you might be having. If you find that your NAT Type is closed or not moderate then this maybe a cause for concern and you should seek advice from the Microsoft support team to resolve the situation. Your Nat Type being closed may cause significant issues when connecting to RoboCraft Infinity servers.

If after the Test connection no connection was established then it might be an idea to check to see if your XBox One can connect to the internet via a wireless connection. You will need the Key from your Wireless Router.

If you’re still having an issue then be sure to connect an Ethernet cable from your console to the wireless router. Try to test the connection once again. If this results in no connection available then it may indicate a hardware fault with your XBox One.

Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns

Our advice here is to seek Microsoft Support and possibly return the console to your place of purchase for a repair or replacement. Being honest – It’s extremely rare a consoles network hardware fails and we are yet to encounter a console with this specific fault.

Your XBox One is connected to the internet but cant use RoboCraft Infinity online?

It is very possible that the RoboCraft Infinity servers are currently down or experiencing high ends of traffic which is affecting your ability to play. So if you’re suffering disconnections, lag or simply not being able to play RoboCraft Infinity at all then we strongly suggest reaching out to the developers social networks to see if they have announced any downtime or regular patch time which may cause this fault.


Most developers do take regular downtime of their servers to fix any and all issues that they may find. During this time it’s important you yourself just get some down time – play another game or binge watch some TV…. Get some time in the sun… Nah.

9: RoboCraft Infinity not showing 4K on XBox One X

Although not a new feature but the XBox One X actually supports 4K Gaming. The XBox One S and One also have this feature but they only support 4K Blu-Ray Viewing. Some users have complained about issues running some games in 4K. If you find you’re having issues with RoboCraft Infinity in 4K then there are a few things you need to check for before fixing your issue

Does RoboCraft Infinity actually support 4K?

Not all games support true 4K Resolution. It’s very common it will support 720P or 1080P however not necessarily 4K. Check with the developer websites of the RoboCraft Infinity website to see if this is a feature it supports. If RoboCraft Infinity does support 4K then you will need to make sure some options are configured on your XBOX One before utilizing it.

Visit your TV Settings on your XBox One By :

Firstly check to confirm that your XBox One is outputting 4K – You do this by enabling the following :

Settings > Display & Sound > Video Output > TV Resolution > 4K

Once this is confirmed be sure to visit the advanced settings tap and ensure that 4K is being allowed by your console. At this point if your TV supports it – it’s important to Enable HDR output.

If after changing these settings you’re still not getting 4K Resolution from your Smart TV then it maybe a possibility that the HDMI you’re using does not support 4K Resolution. Ensure you’re using the Cable which has been provided by the XBox One X. If you have lost this cable then you can source easy replacements via Amazon.

RECOMMENDED We Currently Recommend This HDMI CABLE for 4K Gaming

Remember this guide is simply just a troubleshooting guide which covers most common faults or issues that you may get with your XBox One and RoboCraft Infinity. Hopefully you wont endure any of these faults with your brand new game but if you have used this article and found no resolution to your fault. We highly encourage you to reach out to Microsoft Support and talk about the specific fault your having with RoboCraft Infinity.

Until then Happy Gaming!