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Overwatch 2018 Crashing Freezing Fix

Overwatch Crashing and Freezing Fix for 2018.

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Overwatch reigns as one of the most impressive and exciting shooter experiences of 2018. However if the latest update has created some issues with your game crashing or freezing on you. We’ve got you covered.

Steam Overwatch Crashing and Freezing Fix Guide

Overwatch is now available via STEAM on Windows 10 and possibly some other versions of Windows.

We appreciate that you’re super eager to start enjoying Overwatch but if you’re having issues with the game crashing, freezing and lot loading.

We have created this comprehensive fix guide to help you out.

Note : It’s important to say that this guide has been made for Windows 10 in mind so if you’re still running previous versions of Windows you may experience some discrepancies.

Before you begin please understand this guide has been sculpted by our experience with other games on windows 10 and steam. The fixes may not relate to Overwatch. However most common issues on steam can be fixed in similar ways.

If the answer your looking for isn’t here then be sure to Steams Customers Service.

Important Things to Note About Crashing/Freezing.

To begin with – Although it maybe easy to blame Overwatch. The Crashing and Freezing fault maybe with your Gaming Rig, PC or Laptop.

For the longest of Gaming History basic Freezing and Crashing has been a bane for gamers everywhere. More often than not developers release patches, updates and fixes for you to download over time.

If no developer updates are available for Overwatch then be sure to try some of the fixes below. We hope it helps!

Overwatch is crashing and freezing – explained.

So you’ve been playing Overwatch and while you’re trying to sink your teeth into the content. Or Progress through the game begins to seize up, run slow and then freeze on you. This is usually followed by a black screen.

There are two variations to this fault and their both incredibly rage inducing.

Overwatch Freeze On Steam:

When you’re running Overwatch and steam is running in the background sometimes you may experience your game complete freeze. The audio may still run within the background and you may find you can still move your cursor.

Usually after Freezing your Computer will be able to un-hang it self. If this does happen be sure to save the game.

Overwatch Crash On Steam:

If you’re Overwatch is still frozen or the audio begins to distort. It’s likely your game has now crashed and the progress you’ve made is lost.

Once this happens we highly suggest you reboot or restart your gaming rig. More often than not this will fix any lingering issues you may have.

Both of the above are common faults and may not suggest any serious hardware issue. If Overwatch is crashing or freezing on you constantly like this then simply try the fixes below.

1: Overwatch has frozen and is not loading with STEAM on Windows 10

It can be the most frustrating of things. After waiting for your download to complete you fire up your game and it does not run.

You’re either presented with an error or a completely black screen.

We will try to clear up some easy solutions and solve your problem of the game not crashing and freezing.

What Hardware are you running On Overwatch?

If you’re unsure of what your running in your Gaming Rig then we have a great Website which can declare whether or not your PC can support Overwatch or not.

Simply visit System Requirements Lab. This website is incredible for determining what you can or cant do on your rig. It will even suggest upgrades for your PC in order to play what ever game you wish.

If your PC matches the requirements for Overwatch but it is still not running then you may have another fault on your hands. Simply follow the below steps of trail and error resolve the issue.

Running the Correct Graphics Card Drivers for Overwatch to fix Freezing and Crashing?

Have you got the latest Graphics Driver for your Graphics Card for Overwatch?

Whether or not your running Radeon or Nvidia it is heavily suggested that you run the latest Graphics Drivers for your Graphics Card.

More often than not Windows 10 will install the latest drivers for your unit.

However you can force this action by visiting your graphics card provider and downloading the drivers from the support section.

Be sure to un-install any previous graphics drivers before completing this step as running dual drivers may create more problems than solving.

If you’re Running the correct drivers then move on.

Download the Latest Overwatch Update to Fix Crashing and Freezing.

It’s imperative that if you’re having any problems with Overwatch running check to make sure that you’re rig is running the latest update.

Sometimes but not always developers can release software which is incompatible with certain foundations of Windows 10. Usually to fix this the developers will release patches or quick fix updates.

Steam will automatically detect any updates which are required for the game and its Highly recommended for you to download the update before attempting to play.

If you’re Game has the latest update then it maybe possible that your Steam needs to update. In order to do this – simply restart STEAM and it will attempt to download the latest update available in order to run Overwatch.

Overwatch doing nothing after “Preparing To Launch”

Sometimes games on Steam can get hung up during playing.

If your Overwatch freezes and shows a preparing to launch error which simply goes no where – then luckily enough Steam have a pretty strong guide on what to do if your gaming rig hangs at this point.

Be sure to do the following : 

If you need more help on this then visit Steams Comprehensive guide on fixing preparing to launch errors with Overwatch.

Overwatch installation maybe corrupt or damaged.

Sometimes downloads or installs can go wrong.

This is especially the case if your Rig is shut off or disconnected while downloading or while the installation file is being complete.

To quickly try and fix the issue of Overwatch crashing and freezing on startup then simply delete all your core Overwatch files by right clicking the game in your Steam Library.

Once the files have been deleted simply download the game files once again and attempt to re-install.

Not always but this fix has been proven to work on more than occasion so be sure to attempt this before you reach out to STEAM support for more suggestions or advice on how to solve Overwatch not playing.

2: STEAM Crashing and Freezing while Playing Overwatch.

Even more infuriating than not booting at all is your Overwatch on steam crashing and freezing mid game-play.

Sadly there are a variety of reasons why your PC may crash while playing Overwatch.

So prepare yourself for an extensive trial and error endeavour while you get to the root of your problem.

Ensure you’re Running the Latest Motherboard BIOS Update to Fix Overwatch

Sometimes inconsistencies within the Firmware of your Motherboard may conflict with the foundation of Overwatch.

It’s important that if you are having random crashes, blue screens or freezing while playing that you ensure that your motherboard is up to date.

To do this simply visit your motherboard provider and download the latest drivers available.

Ensure that you make a backup of your Windows 10 while completing this task. If you’re unskilled in dealing with PC equipment you may make matters worse so be careful.

Fear not though any permanent damage is very unlikely when dealing with BIOS updates.

Fix Freezing and Crashing by closing unnecessary Windows 10 Systems while Overwatch is running

This is a pretty important step when it comes to debugging whether or not your game is struggling due to system responsibilities.

Disable any and all software which you’re simply not using. Yes this includes third party apps such as spotify, web browsers, broadcasting software and much more.

PC Gamer have a pretty intensive article which features how you can make Windows 10 Run faster so be sure to check it out.

Benchmark your PC Rig to determine whether or not you can run Overwatch.

Like we discussed above, if your PC does not feature the components that is required for Overwatch to run. Then you may find problems with it crashing and freezing.

Sometimes not running a powerful enough Graphics card may lead to Overwatch stuttering or completely freezing up.

Problems with your Memory modules may also present blue screens which will feature various error codes. So there’s a heap of issues that could come from running the wrong equipment.

Guide: Console Warranty Explained / Gamers Guide To Online Refunds and Returns

We highly recommend that you ensure that you running the Recommended settings required for Overwatch. You can sometimes download Benchmarks available for the game your playing.

Recommended Specifications for Overwatch to Fix Freezing

Recommended Specifications for Overwatch
  • Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3, 2.8 GHz
  • Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7950
  • Memory: 2 GB VRAM, 6 GB System RAM
  • Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space

Reach out to Steam Forums to identify if anyone else is having problems with Overwatch

The Steam Community are incredibly strong and if you’re crashing and freezing. It’s likely so are others within the Steam Community.

Simply post your Specs and your update version on the Steam Forums for Overwatch and browse to see if any others are having similar problems to yourself.

Alternatively you can also reach out to Steam Support to deal with the issue. Steam have a great customer service team but they may take a few hours. Or even days to reply to your query so be sure to be patient while waiting.

Complete a Fresh Install of Overwatch to stop Crashing

Something you can do while waiting for Steam support to reply is to simply uninstall and re-install Overwatch again. This may clear up any significant software errors or corrupt data within your hard drive.

It’s also important to ensure that if you have recently changed processor or motherboard . That you complete a fresh install of Windows 10.

As new motherboard firmware may present various bugs and issues with older installations of Windows 10 while trying to Play Overwatch.

3: Conclusion and User Submitted Fixes for Overwatch

We will continue to update this Overwatch Troubleshooting fix guide overtime with any new issues, errors or fixes that we come across.

Steam was developed by Valve and has been in circulation for PC gamers for near enough 15 years now.

Within that time Steam have established some of the best customer support that online gaming has to offer.

If you find that your fix is not listed within this guide then be sure to reach out to STEAM for any and all issues – as they may be able to help you.

Alternatively post within the Steam Community forums. The community will be able to help with your specific issue. Until then.

Happy Gaming.