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PlayStation 5 Details Revealed!

Sony Reveal – Pretty Hot Details Regarding the PlayStation 5 Console.

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Some people say it’s not the right time. Sony Disagree and they seem to have plans to release their rumoured PlayStation 5 Within the coming years. Gamespot have revealed some interesting features that highlight the significance of a brand new console and what you can expect from the world wide developer.

News From GameSpot

“Sony has revealed some information about its next-generation PlayStation. In an interview with Wired, Mark Cerny, who was lead system architect for the PlayStation 4 and is currently working on its successor, divulged details on the components that will power the next-gen system and teased some of the breakthroughs it is making.

In the interview, Cerny didn’t name the console, though conventional thinking states it will probably be PlayStation 5. The next-gen PlayStation is partially based on PS4 architecture, which means that it is backwards compatible. Cerny also revealed that it is not an all-digital device, and will accept physical discs. Wired’s article describes the transition from PS4 to PS5, as indicated by Cerny, as a “gentle one,” adding that numerous games will be released for both PS4 and the next-gen console.

Housed in the console will be an AMD chip that has a CPU based on the third-generation Ryzen. It’ll have eight cores of the seven-nanometer Zen 2 microchip. Although the console will support 8K, displaying at this resolution will be dependant on TVs catching up.

The graphics, meanwhile, will be driven by a custom version of Radeon’s Navi line. This graphics chip will support ray tracing, something which is starting to become popular in movies and video games. Although it is traditionally thought of as a lighting technique, Cerny says that there are implications beyond creating realistic environments.”Gamespot.


It’s interesting to see that Sony have taken the decision to keep the PlayStation 5 Disc based as well as appealing to their fan base with a completely backwards compatible system. We’re excited for what the Console has in store for us.