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Detroit Become Human Frame Rate FPS Drop Fix

Detroit Become Human Frame Rate Drop – PS4

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Detroit Become Human is a gorgeous game however if you’re having issues with your Playstation 4 Dropping frames or running sluggish then it may indicate an issue with either the hardware or software. This troubleshooting guide will help identify the issue and fix it.

Detroit Become Human Frame Rate Drop Console Fix Guide

How can you tell if Detroit Become Human is dropping FPS

Well to the untrained eye not so easy but if you feel that your gameplay is stuttering. Or sometimes can seem a little chunky and slow then its likely your dropping frames.

Most Consoles of this generation support at least 30 FPS Minimum. The Playstation 4 Pro and XBox one X can power up to 60 FPS on some games.

“My Detroit Become Human is dropping frames.”

It’s important to note that anything higher than 30 frames per second is usually what the developers aim for.

Unless the developer of Detroit Become Human has specifically said it will run in 60 FPS or higher then there is absolutely no reason to be alarmed.

If you’re having problems with Detroit Become Human dropping frames while your playing or not reaching the ideal FPS. Then we’ve got some easy fixes to help solve the problem.

The solutions that you will find within this guide have been made from our experience with other games on the current console platforms. If you have tried all of the below fixes and you’re still not happy.

Then we highly encourage you to contact the developers so they can aid you with your issue before refunding the game.



Some users argue the Playstation 4 is the superior console when it comes to gaming. Although this maybe true it still can endure the same Frame Drop Problems.

Please be sure to remember that only the Playstation 4 Pro has advertised to exceed games maximum FPS. Even then some games will not deliver 60 FPS on your Playstation 4.

If you’re running at above 30 FPS then more than likely there is no real issue as some users have not detected an improvement in gaming between 30 FPS to 60 FPS.

There are a variety of reasons why your Playstation 4 might be stuttering, slowing down and ultimately dropping frames.

Try the following easy fixes. If none of these solutions help – contact Sony Support.

1: PS 4 – Not on Latest Console Update

It’s important for you to ensure that your Playstation 4 is up to date ready for Detroit Become Human. IF you’re running older firm ware then it may cause some frame drops while your playing or worse.

More often than not if you’re connected to the internet the Playstation 4 will automatically update. However if this is not the case then you can force the update within your System settings.

Main Menu > Settings > System > Console Info > OS Version

Latest Optimal Update for Detroit Become Human on PS4 is : 5.50

Ensure that you’re Internet connection is stable while you update.

Guide : Update your Playstation 4 Console Today To Play Detroit Become Human

If Detroit Become Human is still dropping frames or running sluggish with the latest console update then please try the following below guides.

2: Latest Detroit Become Human Update on PS4 to Fix Frame Drops

Overtime Developers may release updates or Frame Rate Fixes for Detroit Become Human on the Playstation 4. It’s important that you stay current and up to date.

Like above we discussed that if you’re internet connection is stable then your Console will try to update automatically.

If this is not the case you can check to see if Detroit Become Human has any built in menus which may force a update to the latest version. If for what ever reason the Console is not allowing you to update. It maybe possible your Game File is corrupt.

GUIDE : How to Format Your Playstation 4 to Improve Frames for Detroit Become Human

Overtime users may complain about various faults with games or frame rate issues in which the developers will fix. If you’re running the latest update but you’ve still not resolved the problem.

There is absolutely no harm in reaching out to the developers or Sony support to help with the issue. Their team are very friendly and capable of dealing with such requests.

3: Playstation 4 Running Hot and Dropping Frames for Detroit Become Human

Similar to the XBox One the Playstation 4 features incredibly high end hardware which is capable of pushing out gorgeous details. This hardware does not perform so well when running at temperatures not supported.

If you’re Playstation 4 has been running Detroit Become Human for an excessive amount of time. You have also noticed that your console is running hot.

Then it maybe possible your Playstation 4 is struggling and is not delivering the frames that you require. It’s important that you keep your Fan Intakes and Exhausts free of any debris or dust.

Guide : Avoid Overheating to Improve FPS for Detroit Become Human on Playstation 4

Ensure your console is not near any other hardware which may be expelling heat into it. You can read up on our full Playstation 4 Cleaning guide in order to hopefully fix your FPS Drops with Detroit Become Human.

4: Detroit Become Human Dropping Frames or Lagging on PS4?

When playing online your Console maybe suffering Lag Spikes. Some users have reported this to give a similar effect to dropping frames.

Your screen will stutter, slow down, glitch out and even reverse. It maybe possible that the issue you have is actually Lag and a poor internet connection.

Guide : Is your Internet connection dropping Frames on Detroit Become Human?

You can simply rule this out by checking your internet connection speed. It’s a pretty easy process. Alternatively you can attempt to play Detroit Become Human offline and see the difference.

5: Disconnect your Capture Device to Fix Frame Drops.

External Hardware and Third Party software can heavily impact your output from your Playstation 4 Console if not careful.

If you’re having problems with Frame Drops when streaming to Twitch or Youtube or simply recording then it may be an issue with your Capture device.

Guide : Ideal Capture Cards for Detroit Become Human on Playstation 4

Capture Cards can be awkward and we generally encourage you to spend a little more if you’re taking streaming and recording seriously

If Your Recording and suffering Frame drops. Simply disconnect your Capture card or Capture device and Plug your Console Directly into the HDMI of your display unit. If this fixes the issue it may present an issue with your Capture Card.

6: Replace your Playstation 4 to improve Frame Rate

If you feel that you’ve tried all of the above Fixes and you truly believe your Playstation 4 is faulty. An important question to ask yourself now is are you covered.

Guide : What does your Playstation 4 Warranty Cover?

If you’ve purchased your Console from a high-street retailer or online then you’re probably covered. Simply visit the point of purchase and inform them of the frame issue.

They will either then seek to repair, replace or refund the item as per their terms and conditions.


Conclusion on Detroit Become Human Frame Fix?

Have any of the above tips or common fixes solved your problem?

If not then you still have a fair few options. One thing you must understand. Sometimes games can be released with certain optimisation issues when it comes to playing them on consoles.

Unless the Developers action this issue then sadly that is the nature of the beast when it comes to console gaming. However you can inform the Developers by reaching out to them on their social networks.

We will update this guide overtime with some User Submitted Frame Issues and Fixes.

Until Then Happy Gaming!