You are currently viewing Guilty Gear | S T R I V E – Streaming Thursdays.

Guilty Gear | S T R I V E – Streaming Thursdays.

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With the release of Guilty Gear | S T R I V E.  The ChaosHour Discord will be hosting a Guilty Gear Event.  Yes that’s right!  Every Thursday at 20:00GMT – 22:00GMT  we will be hosting an arrangement of viewer games, tournaments, competitions and giveaways and much more.

The Experience

We will be hosting Viewer games for anyone from the Discord Community to take part in.  So if you think you’ve got what it takes – step up and show your prowess online against your other Discord Gamers.

Hourly Giveaways – will be utilized throughout the stream to give back to the community for being so awesome.  This can involve ChaosHour merch, gift cards, steam cards and other unique items.

Tournament – If you’re interested you may part-take in the upcoming tournament with details on how to enter to be announced real soon.  Of course the winner of the tournament will win some goodies among other things like… You know… World wide fame of course.

Dates & Times

The dates of the streams hosted are as follows:

16/09/2021 | 19:00GMT
23/09/2021 | 19:00GMT
30/09/2021 | 19:00GMT

How To Join?


Be part of our growing community and follow us at Twitch.  We host various streamed events to a high quality to over 3,000 followers.  By doing this you will be kept up to date with any news, features and other streams that will be hosted.Follow us on Twitch Today!

ChaosHour.Com / Twitch


The Discord features over 300 other players who are interested in all manners of online gaming.  Whether that be Final Fantasy 14, Guilty Gear, Gears of War and many more.  So if you’re ever up for finding others to play with – then you won’t need to look too far.

Join us on Discord - Today!

ChaosHour.Com / Discord