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Chaos Hour - Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament

Chaos Hour to Host Bi-Weekly Super Smash Ultimate Tournament.

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That’s Right folks. To kick off 2019 here at Chaos Hour we’ve decided to host a Bi-Weekly Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament to players around Europe and possibly the world. This decision was made at an attempt to help grow the current casual and professional community for Super Smash Bros Ultimate and other online games.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Contestants will be able to participate if they have a valid physical or digital version of Super Smash Bros Ultimate on their Nintendo Switches. You will also need to have an online player pass to enter and join.

However if you’re not one for playing then that’s fine as Super Smash Bros Ultimate is able to bring some of the most iconic and enjoyable epics straight to your screen. As you see a slew of your favourite Nintendo and other characters duke it out.

The Time

The Tournament will be running for the first Quarter of 2019 and with enough traction will continue throughout the year. If you’re interested in watching or taking part then you can see the pencilled dates below.


Each evening the Tournament will begin at 20:00 UK Time (GMT +00).

The Place

The Chaos Hour Tournament will be hosted over on our Twitch Channel as well as services such as Youtube and Mixer. So be sure to register yourself for an account to take part within the viewer competitions, chat rooms and much more.

The Prizes

Throughout the course of the Event viewers will be able to win a tonne of prizes involving Prints, Merch, Nintendo eShop Cards, Steam Gift Cards and Much more. You can do this by entering giveaways, competitions and betting games throughout the course of the tournament.

Super Smash Bros Prizes

Tournament Winners will also win their fair share of prizes for just entering and winning the events. Prizes will be announced either before or on the evening of the event. So be sure to check back for more details.

The Twist

As always here at Chaos Hour we like to spice things up. The Good News is Smash Ultimate has provided us with a platform in which we can make each and every tournament unique and exciting for both the viewer and contestants.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournament

Once again Tournament rules, effects, brackets and much more will be revealed once the applications have begun. So be sure to monitor this category closely.

Until then happy Gaming!